Maine Politics

From the Piscataqua to the St. John

Friday, January 21, 2005

DNC Chair

Yesterday, Sam Spencer, the DNC Committeeman for Maine, launched his website with an email to Maine Democrats asking for their input in who should be the next DNC Chair. The response has been incredible and the message has been clear.

As of 10:18am today, there were 114 comments on Sam’s weblog. Of these, 68 were from individuals expressing a single choice for DNC Chair. Here’s how the votes break down:

Howard Dean: 63
Simon Rosenberg: 2
Wellington Webb: 1
Martin Frost: 1
Wesley Clark (who isn’t running): 1

There was also one post from Howard Dean himself (which I haven't counted in the rankings). Dean writes:

Sam, Great website. This fits in well with what I hope to accomplish as DNC chair. Strong grassroots organizations in every state party, with financial support from the DNC so that we can beat the right wing on the ground! Keep up the good work. Howard Dean

There were two interesting and consistent themes in these responses. The first is that nearly every single person posting, whether they support a candidate or not, makes it clear that they want to see a drastic change in the Democratic Party. The second is that many of those who throw their support behind Dean add that they didn’t support him for president but think he is the best man to run the DNC.

Visit the new Maine Politics.



Thanks for the post about my site. And thanks for adding up the votes so far. That message from Howard Dean, while suspicious looking, was in fact from Dean.
He called me yesterday to ask for my support. When I told him about the website, he said would make a post. Sam Spencer 

Posted by Sam Spencer

1/21/2005 11:47:00 AM



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