All five citizen initiatives that gathered signatures during the November election have failed to turn in enough votes to get their measures on the ballot in 2005.
Mary Adams will now be attempting to get her spending cap on the ballot in 2006 (where it might have more of an impact on the other elections). The Chamber of Commerce abandoned their own tax reform proposal, instead choosing to back a version of Baldacci’s tax reform package.
WLBZ2 states that the other three proposals “would have imposed a tax on bottled water drawn from Maine aquifers; promoted passage of an [U.S. Constitutional] amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman; and banned slot machines at commercial harness-racing tracks”.
The PPH reports that “No Slots for ME!” has collected fewer than half the required signatures, Dick Dyer of “H2O for ME” is unsure of the number of signatures collected but claims there has been a lot of interest. The progress of the anti-gay marriage campaign is unknown.
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