Maine Maps - State Senate 2004
This is a map of the 2004 state senate elections, darker districts were won with 60% of the vote or more. Click to enlarge. Info via MBCEC and MGIS.
Remember those blue spots in the south represent a ton of people. I'll have analyses of Individual races as we get closer to 2006.
Visit the new Maine Politics.
There is at least one problem with your map -- the Senate District in the Kittery/York area was won by Republican Mary Black Andrews.
Posted by George
Thanks, the excell table I was using gave me an error there and I didn't even notice it.
One note: I set Mayo's district as light blue on the map despite the fact that he was a Republican during the election.
Posted by Mike
Hey Mike, if you need any help getting info on the District 2 & 3 races I know both the Democrats who ran there and a coupkle people who volunteered for them.
Posted by Nathan
Hey Nathan, send me an email and let's talk.
Oh and if anyone notices any other map glitches let me know. I'm enjoying this open-source cartography.
Posted by Mike
Please try to be consistent with your color schemes. In some maps red is for Democrats and blue for Repubs and in others it is vice versa. At least add a legend if not or other explanatory. BTW, I'm a US Census Bureau Geographer from Franklin County and I can't say enough good things about the Maine Office of GIS. They are awesome!
Posted by Another Mike
On my wall I have a similar map coded for all the senate and house districts won by a Clean Elections candidate. Both maps are almost solid. I like that.
I much prefer a Republican who ran "clean" than one who got all their money from timber, oil, tobacco, Bushmaster, etc.
Interesting tidbit - Republican John Linnehan spent over $220,000 on his LOSING bid for Senator Damon's seat (Damon did not run clean and spent about $36,000)
That's gotta hurt.
Posted by Jon at MCLF
Thanks for the tip "other" Mike, I'll add a legend.
You wouldn't happen to have a digital copy of that clean elections map would you Jon? I'd love to post it.
The BDN has a great article about the Linnehan/Damon race that can be read here .
Linnehan ended up spending $23.60 for every vote he recieved. Damon won with 64% of the vote.
Posted by Mike
Unfortunately I do not have it in digital form.
I could provide the data for someone who does mapping to put it together.
Posted by Jon at MCLF