Bases and Doctors and Californians, Oh My.
All that coming soon, for now check out this interesting article on the role of Senate Republican moderates from the NY Times.
I enjoyed this bit:
But here in the Capitol, [moderates'] numbers are so few, said Senator Arlen Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania, that they quit having their weekly lunches about a year ago.
"Susan and I were there alone for so much of the time," Mr. Specter he said, referring to Senator Susan Collins of Maine, "we worked through all of our conversation and decided to disband."
Visit the new Maine Politics.
From The Washington Post:
Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Limestone
Naval Reserve Center, Bangor
Naval Shipyard Portsmouth
Pentagon List of Recommended Base Closings
Posted by John
Wow, way to be on the ball with that one.
Posted by Brandon