Maine Politics

From the Piscataqua to the St. John

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

PFA Nuclear Option Ad to Air in Maine

Progress for America, a right-wing group that supports the complete elimination of the legislative filibuster is spending $1.5 million to run television ads in six states in an attempt to prop up Bush's radical nominees. Maine is one of their targets.

You can watch the first ad here and view the counter-ad from People for the American Way here.

Here's a bit more about Justice Brown.
Justice Brown is one of the most unapologetically ideological nominees of either party in many years. In speeches, she has openly embraced the Supreme Court's so-called "Lochner" era, during which the justices struck down numerous worker protection laws on grounds that they violated the supposed right of free contract. Across the spectrum of constitutional law scholarship, there are few points of greater consensus than that this period is a blot on the Supreme Court's history. [...]

Her colleagues on California's high court certainly understand where she's coming from. In one case they rebuked her for seeking to impose her "personal theory of political economy on the people of a democratic state."

Visit the new Maine Politics.


Ive a post on Janice Brown at Wampum. 

Posted by Eric Brunner-Williams

5/04/2005 08:00:00 AM



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