Stupidest Bill: Yet Another Nominee
Despite the fact that current sex education programs are reducing the teenage pregnancy rate in Maine, abortions are down and safe-sex is up, Sen. Lois Snowe-Mello wants to scrap the current curriculum in favor of "abstinence-only" education.
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You have your head in the sand. Read- Centers for Disease Control website which documents the 500% rise in herpes. 1 in 4 people over age 12 in America have the disease, condoms provide limited protection for this or other viral, incurabe STDs. "Safe sex" only applies to HIV/AIDS, and pregnancy rates. The Maine Youth Risk Behavior Survey cites sexual activity as a risky behavior. Statistics from any reputable source will prove this, or talk to any physician. That's one reason to delay the average age of beginning sexual activity, but a more compelling one is the fact that kids who are successful in life tend to be abstinent while they are young. Most "kids" today feel like they're being pushed into early sexual activity when they'd rather not deal with it yet.
Posted by gen11
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