Maine Politics

From the Piscataqua to the St. John

Monday, June 20, 2005

Hate and Lies

The Christian Civic League of Maine is willing to say just about anything to further the cause of discrimination. They have attempted to link homosexuality to pedophilia, gay people to Nazis, and most recently they have insisted that the legislation intended to stop discrimination in housing, credit and employment will mean the legalization of same-sex marriage.

So it was with little surprise that I read their daily email newsletter today and found a "homosexual manifesto" that they claim was published in the The Advocate, a GLBT magazine. The manifesto claims that gays have control of "the liberal establishment and the press" and want to "abolish marriage altogether" while subjecting "Orthodox Jews and Christians to the most sustained hatred and vilification in recent memory". This kind of hate-filled screed seems to verify everything the CCL has claimed about the "homosexual agenda". The only problem is, none of it is true.

As far as I can tell, this "manifesto" was written by conservative congressman William Dannemeyer for his 1989 book, "Shadow in the Land" and is completely fictional (which he admits in the book). It was then plagiarized (without attribution or disclaimer) by the Miami-Dade Christian Coalition when they were protesting a local equal-rights ordinance (their pamphlet can be found here). It was exposed as fraudulent as early as March 10, 1999 by columnist Liz Balmaseda of the Miami Herald.

The people of Maine are by and large tolerant and good human beings. The Christian Civic League knows that the only way they can win is with these kinds of lies.

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I couldn't access the piece on CCL's site, but I trust your findings. Have you contacted the media about this? Somebody like Bill Nemitz at the Press Herald would have a field day with such an obvious softball.


Posted by Keith

6/20/2005 01:19:00 PM


They can't be allowed to get away with this.

Remember the 16-page "Gay Agenda" Press Herald insert in 1998? I think the paper is still working off that debt and should assign some reporters to do a serious number on the "Christian" Coalition. 

Posted by Alna Dem

6/22/2005 03:16:00 PM


It never ceases to amaze me how low those guys can get.

On a completely unrelated note Mike, I was wondering what your thoughts on David Emery challenging Baldacci were... 

Posted by Marc

6/24/2005 12:00:00 AM



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