Maine Politics

From the Piscataqua to the St. John

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A Last Push to Prevent Equal Rights

Michael Heath and the Christian Civic League are winding up their attempt to repeal the anti-discrimination law. Some have expressed hope that since they have only announced the collection of 20,000 signatures so far, they will fail to meet their 50,000+ end-of-the-month quota. Knowing the history of their efforts, I'm nowhere near ready to celebrate.
There is historical precedent for a late flurry of signatures from Heath's supporters.

In 1997, the last time Heath organized efforts to repeal a law that banned discrimination against gays and lesbians, only 33,000 signatures were collected before the campaign's last five days, he said at the time.

But in a decisive final push, supporters produced another 25,000 signatures.

While their effort may eventually be successful, it certainly isn't as grass-roots as they claim. Check out the "courageous donors" page on the Coalition for Discrimination Marriage site. They only list 9 donors, all of them are involved in the CCL, and none of them gave less than $1000.

Visit the new Maine Politics.


Check out this post on the talk2action blog concerning the "reinforcments" brought in from Massachusetts to promote the pro-discrimination effort: 

Posted by David

6/15/2005 07:54:00 PM


The CCL and Michael Heath are scary, scary, scary.  

Posted by Melissa

6/27/2005 01:36:00 PM



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